Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Technology news!

Kindergarten has been working with site words! They are playing bingo, organizing in ABC order, and also working with graphing. This is all done on the computer, so while they are getting the foundation skills for reading and math skills, they are also practicing motor movement with using the mouse and the keyboard!

First grade has been working on spelling words, abc order, and keyboarding! They are also practicing motor skills and navigating the mouse and keyboard.

Second and third grade have been really practicing hard on the keyboard. They are playing different keyboarding games, and practicing the proper hand placement while using the keyboard. They have also started practicing how to use shortcuts (Copy and Paste) with their keyboards.

Fourth and Fifth grade have moved into internet research and credible sources. While they have also been practicing keyboarding, they are focusing now on research using the internet. They will move into Powerpoint slideshow presentations to present their research when it is complete!

6-8th grade is working on utilizing google applications through their school google email that we created! This is helpful for them to use collaboratively with other students, and staff in our building! They have been practicing typing and also formatting documents using Google Docs.

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