Thursday, May 5, 2016

Make up assignments/ Participation points grades 5-8

Hi Bethlehem Families!!!

For grades 5-8, if your student is absent on a day we have Technology, they will receive a 0 for the day. I have a make up form that they can complete at home in order to make the points back up for their grade. They have access to this form at all times, and after looking at their Engrade, if they are unhappy with their grade they can always print one of these forms (or more than one depending on how many days they have missed) to make up their points in Technology.

Here is what the form looks like:

If you are missing points for participation in Technology for not being present in class, you may make it up by completing time on Khan Academy.
Example: April 21st you were absent and got a 0/10 for participation and 0/20 for Khan Academy practice.

Class is 45 minutes long, I will allow you to spend 45 minutes practicing math and completing your mission on Khan Academy at home.

In order to receive full points, your parents must see your grade, sign this sheet and you can turn it back in for full credit. If you missed three days, you need to fill out three sheets. This means you will need to do three SEPARATE 45 minute sessions on Khan Academy.

Parent Signature X________________________________________
Student Signature X_______________________________________ 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email or phone! 

-Ms. G